Music: Ipha - Spirit Of truth @ipha_liman

Ipha is a singer with a passion for spreading the gospel through music and inspiring men to worship the living God. In her new release, she describes the person of the Holy Spirit with a revelation from the Holy scripts.

The Spirit Of truth is the third person in the Godhead. He has a ministry in the life of every Believer who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord. This song is dedicated to Him in worship for who is He is and what he has done. As you listen, you'll feel his awesome presence.
Also Watch Love Himself Video by Ipha


Anonymous said…
Nice one.. Thumbs up @Ipha.
More grace and inspiration to your music career.

Oliver Esq.
Anonymous said…
Glorious one Dearest @Ipha! I see u changing lives around the world through further inspiration you will receive as a result of SPIRIT OF TRUTH, you are being launched into greater height. His ability in you will be manifested in such an extraordinary way. Wait and see......
Anonymous said…
Glorious one Dearest @Ipha! I see u changing lives around the world through further inspiration you will receive as a result of SPIRIT OF TRUTH, you are being launched into greater height. His ability in you will be manifested in such an extraordinary way. Wait and see......
Ifex said…
Awesome Worship Song!...Keep up the God Work!
Unknown said…
Spirit of truth on repeat mode. Ipha la super. The spirit of truth dey ur bodi
Phebe said…
Ipha you are a blessing.

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