Official: OrOrO by @zayoboy — @kogaENT 1st Born

 Still bubbling under KOGA Entertainment, Zayo Boy has bounced on O.T Genasis's CoCo to do the Nigerian Street Version which he titles "Ororo".
Ushering in some Chinko flows on this jam is something Zayo has been doing way back in campus. It's really awesome for him to rekindle some bit of those flows on this song.
Zayo came down on the beat in his own unique style and  blended in his indigenous rap bars to give a highly superb delivery

There is more to look out for in this talented serial hit maker as he keeps driving the industry wild with his massive releases.

Meanwhile, Listen Up to "OrOrO" and air your views

Free MP3 download: zayo boy ororo.mp3 --


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