Ever had those days when you really need to flatten your belly in like a day? It could be because of  a big event coming up or a dress that requires a “fitted” belly. Either way, a flat-abs workout may not work out for you in time. So what can you do when you need such an immediate result? Well, the good news is here; there are a few tricks that can slim a puffy stomach in just 24 hours. They are listed below....

1. Skip the salt
Salt is a lot of times the cause of bloating. Too much of it causes fluid retention in the body, making you sluggish and, worse still, puffy. Apart from reducing the amount of salt you add to your food, make sure you check those food packets to know how much salt you’re actually taking. Also, drink a lot of water to flush out salt from your system.

2. Drink ginger tea
One of the top ways to reduce bloating, ginger contains an enzyme called zingibain that helps to digest protein and can also relieve that feeling  of being "overfull" after a meal. To get the most out of this anti-bloat remedy, grate a fresh chunk of ginger into a mug and add hot water and honey to taste. Or add it directly to your food, or try a fresh ginger-lime detox shot.

3. Pop probiotics
According to research, an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut can cause bloating. This can be caused by antibiotics or a poor diet. Take note that, though, that some strains are thought to be more effective than others at flattening a puffy tum, so be sure to consult  a trusted health advisor before getting one.

4. Have a tropical smoothie
Pineapples and papaya (pawpaws) both contain enzymes that help break down protein in your stomach,for example ginger. This makes the superfoods desirable for de-bloating quickly. Throw some of each in a blender. Add a splash of fermented coconut water and you’ll have a delicious tropical snack that’s also filled with good bacteria.

5. Take a bath
Epsom salts is  not only good for preventing (and treating) sore muscles. They’re also key in banishing bloat in 24 hours. They do this by pulling excess fluid out of the body, leaving you leaner.


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