Q&A with Pastor Chris at April 2015 Communion Service

LW News Contributor
Pastor fields questions from around the world at ongoing April Communion Service.
The April 2015 edition of the Global Communion Service with the man of God, Pastor Chris, is currently on, and Pastor is flanked by esteemed ministers, Pastor Joy Amenkhienan, Pastor Deola Phillips and Pastor Biodun Lawal, responding to questions from around the world.
The following are synopsis of some of the answers provided in the ongoing program (updated throughout the segment):
How does a Christian parent discipline and raise an unruly child in the light of God's Word when the child says they are not afraid of the parent?
There's no specific way to handle situations like this. As a parent, you have to continue to show God's love to that child. Present God's Word to your child. The Word is more than godly advice; it is anointed.
How does one handle prophecies of impending danger from Apostles?
Not every Apostle is an Apostle to you. If they were not sent to you, then the prophecies should not matter to you.
How does one win their spouse to the Lord?
If you married a non-Christian from the beginning, while you were a Christian, you did the wrong thing; you should not have. However, if you were both non-Christians when you married, and you later became a Christian, patiently continue to pray for such a one. In both cases, continue praying; they can come to believe in the same way that you did. Study 1 Corinthians 7 for more details here.
Pastor Deola Phillips addressing questions.
How does one begin a walk with God when they have not grown in the Church or a religious environment?
First, you must receive true salvation. That you feel God is close to you does not mean you are saved. Romans 10:9-10 shows how you receive salvation, by believing in your heart that Jesus was raised from the dead and confessing His Lordship over your life.
How and when can one use the blood of Jesus? Can one use the blood of Jesus against enemies?
Never make human enemies. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. In addition, only the High Priest has access to the blood, and it is for the remission of sins. That blood was shed for all men.
What do I have to do to understand my Bible?
It has been given to every Christian to understand the scriptures, so no Christian should ever agree that they do not understand the scriptures, because it is a lie of the devil.
Accept God's Word that you have understanding of the Word and confess that. You have a sound mind, and the scriptures have been revealed to you.
Where do all the continents of the world come from? If Adam was the first man, why do we all have different languages and races?
From 1 Chronicles 1:19, the land mass split in the days of Peleg, showing how continents came about. Genesis 11:8-9 discusses how men gained different languages and spread throughout the earth. Over time, with different diets and climatic conditions, the different skin tones and physical structures developed.
From Hebrews 9:16, one can tell that Jesus is the testator of the New Testament. However, who is the testator of the Old Testament?
While Moses was the Mediator of the Old Testament, in the place of the death of a testator at that time, an animal had to be sacrificed.
EXTRACT FROM: LoveWorld News
Sent from Josh Dreey


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